-The adventures of Ryan & Abby Kloberdanz as they serve as Peace Corps volunteers in the Kingdom of Tonga-

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Much ado about Nothin'

So, here are the happenings from this week.

We finally found the rat who has consumed about $20 worth of poison dead in the yard. Good stuff.

We baked a pizza with some kids.

Watched our students take their trial sivi's. These are the tests they must pass to be able to attend high school next year. Very few of them were successful in passing. Stressful times.

Ryan refused to do household chores because of his kingly meeting. He may have gotten locked out of the house in the rain due to my lack of ability to handle him. I think the men in the kava hall next door thought I was pretty funny though :)

And that folks was our whole week.


Random pics from a "hula hula" (dance) we went to in our village a few weeks ago. Kids here are the most amazing dancers ever! I stuck to zumba dances... at least I didn't make as much of a fool of myself as I could have. Mr. Too Cool for Life because I touched the hand of a king sat slumped on the sidelines all night. Party pooper extraordinare.


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The little guy with the jacket in this pic is our neighbor, Loa. We dubbed him "best dressed" at the dance, no contest!


1 comment:

  1. I am in LOVE with little Mr. Fancy Pants! How sweet is he?!
