-The adventures of Ryan & Abby Kloberdanz as they serve as Peace Corps volunteers in the Kingdom of Tonga-

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Well, this is Ryan and my week of 5. Only 5 weeks left in the village! Crazy! This week was our last school holiday week as well.  Traditionally, all principals and teachers run break sessions for the class 6 kids to prepare them to take their entrance exam in two weeks. I walked up on our teachers arguing who was going to do it. So, I volunteered Ry and I. Oh baby, my husband was not happy when I told him that news. But, it was nice to keep busy and have purpose during a week we would have just sat and done nothing. It is actually kind of fun to have the school and kids all to ourselves. We can really let loose, enjoy them and let their personalities shine. Needless to say, we had a really great week with them.

Not too much else is new. Our principal Tevita’s son Tevita has been staying with us a lot. He lives in the next village over, and it is a pain for Big Tevita to drive him back and forth for night classes and break classes all the time. So, T asked us if it would be okay if he comes early in the morning and then stays with us ‘til the late afternoon. It is not easy having a kid around all the time, but I have really appreciated the time with him. Not living in our village, I think he enjoys it too. I died the other day when I noticed that he has completely adapted to our morning routine. The other day, I was just starting to make coffee when Tevita came in, cut the bread, went to the fridge to get butter and jelly,  made breakfast, put it on the table for us all, then wiped the counter and did all the dishes. He then took the solar light, went and put it outside, packed my school bag, pet the dog, and sat waiting to go with us to school. I didn’t even realize it was happening like that until it slammed me in the face. I just lost it…..could not stop laughing. It was just so damn cute! He even reminded me before we left not to forget to put on my watch. Man, it is crazy what kids notice and pick up on. Such a cool moment.

Ryan and I participated in our first going away feast with our church congregation this week. It was a very emotional experience—more emotional than I ever would have thought. I was crying after the first person’s speech. It was just so amazing to hear all these people stand up and say such nice things about you; tell stories about you; make jokes about the little things you do that we never would have guessed they noticed.  For instance Ryan was branded as an ‘anga-lelei husapanite’, a nice and well behaved husband because he is the one who hauls the water, goes to the store and walks from school to the house when I forget things!

Needless to say, by the time it was my turn to get up and speak, I was a mess. Ryan, of course, delivered his speech flawlessly. I could tell the people were touched by his words. My delivery was rough as I was practically hiccupping from crying so hard. But, nobody cared. I think they took it as a sign they did their job well that I feel so sad to leave this place.

Our PTA is planning one more final good-bye with the whole community the last week in October. That will be another very emotional experience for us as it will be the very last thing we do with the people here in our village. Being so overrun by feelings this week makes me feel like Ryan and I really put our all into this experience. The love we feel for our community here is stronger than I even think I knew. But, as we close in on our last month here, I am thankful for such a strong, physical reminder to stay connected to this life here and not focus too much on the future, because soon, this life won’t exist for us anymore.

Here are some random pictures from the last few weeks:

Me with some of the church ladies. 

Tevita making himself right at home with the cheese balls Ted and Jess sent to us!

The pop rock challenge! The Coops sent our class pop rocks to see how the kids would react to the craziness on their tongues. Needless to say the kids loved it.

Thanks Mark and Alissa!!

Class 6, weeks before the big test!

Well Lucky, how nice to see you there all prim and proper. Would you like to join me for some afternoon tea?

The kids have been coming down at night for impromptu study sessions. Lots of fun, though Ryan and Lucky get a tad grumpy about the intrusion :).

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